DNA vom 5.5.1472


- Ausgabe vom 5.5.1472 -

    15,80 Schaffhausen
    16,60 Wien
    17,00 Buchen
    17,20 Heilbronn
    17,55 Zollern
    17,90 Deggendorf
    19,00 Celje
    20,00 Fribourg

    Die nächste Woche bringen wir Preise zu: Milch

    Protest note,
    Frere Jacob

    Protest note

      As Bishop of the Diocese of Lausanne, I hereby lodge a protest against the actions of the Empire.
      I may be Swiss, but humanity and fraternity oblige me to do so.

      Today, the ‘Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Mainz Council of the 25th Easter Moon in the Year of the Lord 1472’ were published, in which it says ‘The assailants who attacked Mainz City belong to the Spinozist Church...’. - which is a falsehood.
      Only one of the town hall strikers or revolutionaries is a member of the Spinozist Church. Strangely enough, especially in Mainz, criminal charges against traitors to Mainz and the Empire are not processed. Why?
      In addition to the incitement and denigration in Mainz, there are other incidents in the Empire, here in Austria and Augsburg, where Aristotelian theologians and Spinozist theologians were once removed from the churches contrary to the Bulla Aurea. In one case, the theologian was even driven to her death.

      I wonder when the hounding of people of other faiths in the Empire will finally stop. Or is the implementation of the Aristotelian Church's orders that all dissenters must be killed now part of the emperor's programme?

      An emperor who watches as his laws are disregarded and his subjects are lied to, deceived and threatened with death cannot be a solution - can he?

      God save the empire from itself

      Fribourg, 29.4.1472
