DNA vom 26.1.1473


- Ausgabe vom 26.1.1473 -

    SRING, Vom Regen in die Traufe, Schwester Juana


    Deposition of the King of the German Kingdom

    From Us, Didicus Crescenzi, Divina Favente Clementia Electus Romanorum Imperator Semper Augustus

    To all the subjects and citizens of the Holy Roman Empire,
    To all those who are concerned,
    To all who read or hear it.

    As announced yesterday, some changes will come into effect to ensure the stability of the Empire and its citizens.

    Starting from before my reign, we have heard disturbing rumours about our immediate vassal, the King of the German Kingdom, Theis di Loredan.
    Unfortunatly, most of these rumours turned out to be true.
    A reign of terror, where political opponents were bullied, Imperial decrees ignored and interference in regional matters was common.

    As promised yesterday, I will no longer sit idle and place misplaced trust in the people that are supposed to support myself in my duties towards all citizens in the Empire. Instead of helping, he is in fact counterproductive, overruling imperial requests without permission and acting like an equal to the Imperial Throne.
    Now, as many of the German nobles and citizens will be able to confirm, he does not fear to dhow his dominance over the others within the German Kingdom, where, if not cooperative, you get pushed out of the way.

    In this light I am sure the former King will understand my actions perfectly, since his own methods are now being used against him.

    The personal insult towards our person in our meeting in Aachen last month set my mind at work. Not much afterwards we were informed that he directly countered our request for volunteer soldiers from certain Provinces within the German Kingdom.
    The final drop is that he is putting a dilemma on all German nobles where he demands them to choose priority over their oath towards him as King, or towards me as Emperor.

    Therefor, in order to protect the integrity of the Empire, as stated in the Magna Carta:

    Article V – As the ruler and suzerain of the Empire, the Holy Emperor must first and foremost preserve the integrity and unity of the Empire.

    Article VII – The Holy Emperor may take all measures required by the circumstances to restore order when an Imperial State is undergoing a serious internal political crisis; threatens the integrity, stability or unity of the Empire; undermines the security of the Empire by proven collaboration with enemy states or organizations; or violates Imperial law; violates its vassal oath; or where there is overwhelming evidence of high treason.

    Besides this, the German constitution allows me to depose the King at any time.

    (3) If the King act against his feudal duty, he may be sanctioned by the Emperor. The Emperor is entitled to depose the King at any time.

    I announce the immediate deposing of the German King. I expect this to be done respectfully.
    The Aquilae Imperatoris will overlook the peaceful transfer of power towards His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond of Hohenzollern-Habsburg ( Kalixtus ).

    As Grand Advisor to myself, he has been advising me on matters towards the German Kingdom, which makes him the ideal person assure a peaceful and dedicated transfer of power. We entrust him to stabilise the region and tend to the ongoing matters.

    In the meantime we will consider the next steps to ensure a lasting stability in the region. The result of this will follow in the upcoming days.

    Written, signed and sealed in Strasbourg on the 26th of January in the year of the Lord MCDLXXIII.

    Holy Roman Emperor

    Anmerkung der Redaktion: Nun sicherlich gibt es viel Kritik an den Vasallen der Kirche Theis, aber noch mehr an den Vasallen der Kirche Didicus, der nicht nur sein Land, sondern das ganze Kaiserreich verraten hat.
    Mag sein, dass Ehre und Ehrlichkeit Heutzutage keine Rolle mehr spielen und es Normal ist einen größenwahnsinnigen angeblichen Kardinal die Füße zu küssen. Wer sich schon als Vasall der Kirche bezeichnen lässt und zustimmt, dass durch 5% der Bevölkerung, also den Aristoten, 95% des Kaiserreiches (Nicht-Aristoten) ermordet werden sollen, ist kein Kaiser - sondern eher ein Hosensch****** und Mörder! Jeder kann den Befehl des irren Kalixtus in Rom zum Mord selbst lesen!

    Ein Kaiser, der offenbar die eigene MAGNA CARTA nicht kennt, übergibt das Kommando über das Deutsche Reich einen Sexualverbrecher und größten Massenmörder aller Zeiten? Was ist mit:
    "Artikel IX – Keine religiöse Organisation und keine Einzelperson soll politische Rechte, Privilegien oder gesetzgebende Autorität innerhalb der Regierungsgewalt des SRING oder seiner Staaten aufgrund einer Position innerhalb einer religiösen Institution erlangen."

    Das Kaiserreich verfault innerlich durch Dekadenz, Willkür und Irrsinn - eigene Gesetze werden mit Füssen getreten. Ausländische feindliche Truppen wie ONE sogar klammheimlich unterstützt. Hochverräter und Mörder sind offenbar wichtiger als Jene, die das Kaiserreich Jahre und Jahrzehnte gestützt haben! Wann wirft der irre Kalixtus den Kriecher Didicus vom Thron?

    Nun vielleicht hat Jemand einen alten Sandkasten übrig, dann können Beide "König, Kaiser und Papst" spielen ohne dem Volk Schaden zuzufügen!

    Schwester Juana
    Das Letzte